Rental Maintenance

RPMC is equipped to handle any maintenance task you might face.
Become a customer today and forget about maintenance headaches.

Service Request Process

Maintenance Service Plans

Tired of dealing with maintenance calls at the most inopportune times? Check out our Maintenance Service Plan.

For just $19.00/month we will be available 24-hours per day to field any maintenance issues from your tenant. Residents will report maintenance directly to us so you don’t have to worry about handling a problem when you’re at work, your kid’s soccer game or on vacation.

When a maintenance issue is reported to us we will perform basic troubleshooting to understand the problem. If the issue is something that can be fixed by the resident we will provide guidance on the issue over the phone. If it cannot be fixed by the resident then we’ll dispatch a maintenance technician.

We offer 2 different service plans to meet your needs.

Service Plan Pricing

We offer 2 service plans for you to choose from.

Plan Basic Premium
Monthly Membership for 24/7 Availability $19 $29
Service Request $79 $49
Emergency Dispatching Yes! Yes!
Priority Scheduling N/A Yes!
Pre-Authorized Spending Limit $500/item $700/item
Annual Safety Survey $199 1 per year included
Turnover Assessment Discount $25 $50

**Discounts available for investors with 10+ doors

What are Pre-Authorized Repairs

Most of our clients don’t want to be bothered with minor maintenance requests so they pre-authorize repairs. This speeds up the process considerably and provides you complete peace of mind. We won’t bother you with routine issues; we’ll just handle them!

What is a service request?

A service request is any maintenance request that a resident submits. If a request includes multiple maintenance issues it will be treated as a single request.

Once service has been completed we will review the work with the tenant to confirm completion and review the service invoice for accuracy.

Become a customer today!

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